Friday, March 19, 2021

March madness

Emmy was really enjoying her volleyball season before her injury (see later in posts).  She made many new friends and even got to do some spiking of the ball in games.

Bobby finished out his basketball season.  A great group of boys, parents, coaches.  We had a fun season of travel basketball.

The kids had a week of injuries. Emmy got her finger in the car door and I had to take her in to the ER.  Three stitches through her fingernail, a negative xray, some numbing shots.....and many many tears later and we got to head home.  Poor Emmy had to wrap her finger up for almost three weeks but I'm happy to report that she has healed up well!  Bobby asked to use my treadmill for a run.  I should have went with my mom intuition and said no....but I didn't.  He ended up with treadmill burns all over his body.  I didn't know how to wrap him up since the areas were widespread and all over so I came up with this.  Emmy said, "Mom, that seems excessive."  Yes, it was.

Bobby started his birthday on the road as we headed to the 3rd annual Lundeen and Eckert ski trip.  We went to Red Lodge.  He got to choose whatever he wanted for food and snacks along the way. Birthday cake shake seemed appropriate and his choice for lunch was Qdoba.
Homemade birthday cards from the Lundeens and a nice outdoor walk awaited us that first day.

We hit the slopes on day 2.  Emmy and I wore parts of my mom's old ski gear.  I'm in the vest, Emmy the jacket and pants.  She got many compliments on her jacket.  It was fun to reminisce.

On day two, the lift broke down and we had to wait almost a half hour for it to get going again.  Once it did though we were skiing hard.
Bobby found a Bobcat run.
We enjoyed hot tubbing and a night out on our last night on the ski trip.  We are grateful for the Lundeed family as they are so much fun to hang out with.

Emmy recovered enough to be able to play in her state tourney.  She had a great tourney and I enjoyed safely bringing my big Emmy head along with me everywhere.  I am so proud to have her as my hockey girl and I wanted everyone to know it.  My loud cheering alone probably would have accomplished that but the big Emmy was a nice touch.  She didn't love it but she tolerated it.

Bobby had his two closest buddies over for a sleepover to celebrate (belatedly) his birthday.  He had donut cake, pizza, lots of snacks.  The boys had a great party.
We began announcing to everyone at work that Heather and I will be Co-Chairs of the DPT program this fall.  Everyone has been great about the news.  I got this kind card the other day and I felt very blessed to be working here.  My own family is proud of me and I feel that I do good work.

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