Thursday, April 8, 2021

Easter and Emmy turns 12!

Emmy turned 12 this month and wanted a couple hours at the mall with friends followed by a slumber party.  We bought all girls snacks at the mall, pizza for dinner and lots of ice cream cake and snacks all night long.  They were up past 3 am and were VERY NOISY.  There was the fair share of girl drama as well but they all seemed to have a great time.  I got up early to make Oreo pancakes and mini egg bakes and bacon for breakfast before Robb dropped them all off at home.

 We listened to online church on Easter Sunday and then spent time dyeing eggs before the Egg Hunt.  It was an indoor egg hunt and I hid 70 eggs.  We actually found the last hidden egg 3 days after the egg hunt since I couldn't recall where I hid them all.  It was a beautiful day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

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