Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Emmy/mom time and 4th of July fun!

Emmy and I had some time to go for a bike ride down to get a sno cone.  She is so athletic!  She is doing very well this week at Cross Training volleyball camp.  We love to bump, set, spike to each other in the yard.  I set to her and she works on hitting.  She has improved so much this year.

Our good friend turned 40 and his wife surprised him with a party on the roof of his downtown bank where he works.  It was as great location and we had so much fun.  There were even fireworks we could view from the Larks game.
4th of July was a hot one this year.  Emmy and I did some shopping after we went over to the Schoch house for slip and slide fun and games.

Fireworks were banned this year due to drought so we opted for backyard smores and then we did stay up to try to see the Mandan rodeo fireworks.  We enjoyed our Eckert time together

I made Bobby some ribs and I had to take a picture of him enjoying them. He was a big mess!

 Emmy has a Raging Rivers pass and she has been going a few times per week with friends. Bobby and I came along too.  He found some friends within 3 minutes of arrival and I ended up reading a book while the kids found their own fun.  Times have changed!!  

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