Friday, July 23, 2021

Finishing up baseball and rolling through summer

Bobby and Emmy have been enjoying all their camps.  Bobby's basketball 3 on 3 team won some awards.  Emmy's volleyball skills improved tremendously at her camp as well.
We had two long weekends in Devils Lake for baseball.  We took 2nd in the DL tournament we went to on the first weekend.  Bobby did a great job pitching and was moved up to #2 in the batting order.  He made several double plays at 2nd and he hit 2 triples!!  He was on fire.  He and the other boys enjoy hanging out with little sister Schoch - Elin.  They fight for her attention and she loves it!

These boys have so much fun together.  Here they sang to Brigg's little sister Beja on her birthday.
They boys dance and sing together when they aren't playing ball.  Here they were doing the YMCA dance and the crowd sure got a kick out of them.
Bobby was a batting machine!  He has been taking private lessons and they paid off at the right time at the end of this season.
Bobby was one sleepy boy after the boys finished up their tournament.  It was hot and he played hard.  He took off his shirt and even napped on the ride home.
The boys worked hard to get read for State this year but had a tough draw (they played the top two teams in the first two rounds) and lost out on Day 2.  It was a sad day when we had to go home so early.  In the first game against West Fargo we lost by 3 runs.  Bobby was selected MVP/team leader of the game.  He got a shirt, a certificate, and a Dairy Queen ice cream card.  Bobby decided to give the DQ ice cream card to his friend and teammate who had a few important hits when we needed them but ultimately couldn't get a hit when we had bases loaded in our last inning.  Bobby felt this teammate was the TRUE MVP because the pressure was on him and he had come through every time but that last one (which is how baseball goes sometimes).  He wanted to cheer that friend up.  We were SO PROUD of him for how well he played but especially for how he cared for that friend.

We really enjoyed the other families on this team.  One night during the State tourney we had a cookout potluck and the parents all brought strange items to drink out of.  Of course, Robb and I had paint cans.  Fun was had by all...parents and boys.

Boston and Bobby continue to be besties.  Bobby has a special place in his heart for Lincoln and Elin as well.  I had so many parents tell me how awesome Bobby's personality is and what a cool kid he is.  
Bobby already started having me take him through daily strength, core, agility, cardio workouts so he is ready for next year :)
Robb took him fishing to take his mind off the baseball tough losses and they had a great time at the Ranch.

I got Bobby's State baseball speech on camera.  He had prepped his friends to participate in their roles.  He loves giving these speeches to pump up his team.

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