Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Football, Cross Country, Volleyball, and marathon relays

Bobby participated in several cross country meets.  He always had an audience with Grandpa Bob, Grandma Launa and Grandpa Kelly and Robb and I there.  One race he even had Lexi there cheering.  He always placed in the top ten and most races was top 5!  He was great and he worked SO hard.

He started football and he has really enjoyed playing with his friends and learning the game from some excellent coaches.  He loves his friend group and we've enjoyed the parents so much: Flecks, Brauns, Schoch families.

Robb and Bobby went hunting and Bobby got a deer with his bow and arrows.  He and Robb butchered and made their own deer meat.  Bobby at deer burgers that night and he loved them.  Robb is such an awesome dad....he takes Bobby on so many adventures.  Emmy and I usually use that time to catch up and go for walks or play volleyball outside.  We've been working on her overhand serve.

I ran and won some female relay races with friends in September. My Bismarck female relay team once again won our division (and ALL the divisions except for one male relay team).  We got blankets as the winners of the female division.  Then my good friends from college and I ran the Fargo female relay and finished in even less time overall to win that race.  We had so much fun and ran really fast especially considering we went out for dinner the night before the race and drank a lot of wine.  We all ran an overall 7:30 pace and my miles were all close to 7 minute pace.

Bobby's football team the Oilers have had many great wins.  We enjoy going out with our friends to celebrate!

Emmy made the A1 volleyball team (the top team) and they have won more than they have lost so far.  She is a great passer and her setting and hitting skills are improving each week.  It is so much fun to watch her love a sport I loved!  She also has a great fan base with Stacy, Lexi, my parents, Grandpa Bob, and Robb and I cheering in the crowd.
Bobby wanted to dress up for picture day.  His classmates called him The President.  I'm very proud of his reputation at school.  My coworkers brother is an Aide in Bobby's classroom and he told her that Bobby is very intelligent, respectful, and funny.  He is very popular in class with the teachers and students and is a fun kid to be around.  

Action shots from Bobby's football game.

Robb and I got to enjoy a fun party with our friends where the theme was "dress as your spouse"  It was a fun time and our outfits were spot on.

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