Thursday, November 11, 2021

Catching up in fall

I took a work trip to Atlanta, GA for the Educational Leadership Conference.  I'm a chair of a committee for ACAPT so I had meetings and events to lead.  It was a busy fun few days.

Bobby's team won the Championship game!  It was very excited and he really loved his first ever football season.

Emmy got chosen for an All state honor choir and also had a St. Mary's choir performance.  She loves to sing and is often singing at home.  She plans to try out for several more choirs this year.  She looked beautiful on stage!

Bobby's doing SO WELL in school.  His test scores are amazing and he is enjoying his class and teacher.  He brought home a stack of Rough Rider round ups that he'd forgotten to bring home earlier.  They all spoke to his helpful nature.  He is always trying to help the teacher, help his classmates, and be a studious learner.  We are very proud.

Bobby sometimes doodles on his school work.  Here I saw he had written about how "family is love" and he drew out each of Team Eckert to equal love.  It warmed my heart.

We had a cheerleader and a baseball player for Halloween.  Emmy had friends over for a party and then went trick-or-treating.  I took Bobby out trick or treating too.  Everyone had a great time!
Bobby loves to sleep in my bed when Robb is away.  Here I caught him completely sideways in bed!  He isn't real easy to sleep with at times.

 Bobby started basketball and is the starting point guard.  His ball handling skills and shot are much improved.  He has a good coach and nice kids to play with.  Some of his best friends play on a team they had to play against in the last tournament.  He was chatting with them on a break.  Everyone loves Bobby and he gets along well with everyone.  One night Robb was telling us that Tyson makes the McDonald's chicken nuggets and Bobby exclaimed, "MIKE TYSON?!"  of course Robb meant the Tyson chicken manufacturing company but we all got a good laugh.

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