Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Blizzard in the spring

One day Bobby was outside practicing baseball and we were preparing to have baseball games and track meets.....then in the middle of April the weather man predicted a 4-5 day blizzard.  All schools shut down pre-emptively for the week (right before Easter break).  At first, it was just a night of snowfall....but it didn't stop and we ended up stuck inside our house Tuesday-Friday. I taught online and Bobby did have to do one day of online class.  We found all kinds of baking activities to do for fun and played lots of games.  Bobby had just asked us to engage in an electronics free week (much to Emmy's dismay) so we committed to putting away our computers and phones and spending time together.  We found that we do still really enjoy each others' company!

Emmy's grade at school has begun the Parable of Talents project. As part of her Parable of the Talents project at St. Mary's Academy at Light of Christ Schools, Emmy decided to sell her art work. All proceeds benefit the Bismarck Diocese African Mission Water Project. She had a lot of commissioned work: Chloe Lundeen, Grandma Launa, Grandpa Bob, Bobby, her dad, me, her teachers at school. She also made the honor roll again. She is enjoying pole vault this spring...but the snow has put a pause on track meets.

Bobby gave us a lot of fun baking ideas during the blizzard days that we were snowed in.  He is quite the baker! 
We also dyed Easter eggs since Easter occurred right after the snow days ended.

Bobby made a fort that had multiple rooms.  He was really creative and made sure to make the most of the snow.

We thought of ways to make everything fun during our snow days.  We had "kid wine" one day at lunch.

Emmy and Bobby made a cake and decorated with Bobby's baseball team logo.

I made Easter baskets for the kids but didn't hide the eggs this year since they didn't care about the hunt.  They just wanted to candy and treats!

We had some pears that were ripe and Bobby came up with the idea to make a pear pie.  It ended up being delicious!!  We did have to send Robb back to the grocery store when he bought a graham cracker crust instead of a pie crust....but eventually we got the ingredients right and made our amazing pear pie.

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