Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Discovery Cove

Our final day was spent at Discovery Cove. Everyone discovered that they had a new activity to love.  Bobby loves snorkeling!  Emmy is part Disney Princess when it comes to how much birds love her. We all love dolphins!

Bobby showed us the way since he had gone on a few snorkeling adventures before we got into the cold water that day. Emmy was adventurous but did not want to fish to touch her.  She and I held hands while snorkeling and would communicate with squeals to show each other the cool fish we were seeing.  I loved holding my kids hands and having these moments with them.  We rode on the lazy river together several times as well.

 This day was full of great family time together.  The dolphins and weather (lightning at times, rain) didn't cooperate during our time with dolphins which prolonged the session.  We had to get in and then out of the water and try to switch to dolphins that would cooperate.  We missed lunch!  The good thing about it was that we met several dolphins and they kept the kitchen open for us extra late so that we did get some food.

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