Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Fall happenings

We have been trying to make sure we make the most of fall weather. One rainy Saturday we went to Bismarket and had ice cream for breakfast. I love walking and talking with my sweethearts. They are so interesting, funny, and entertaining.
Emmy was chosen for the NDSU Honors Choir. She spent Sunday and Monday at NDSU and tried out for a solo. She was chosen to sing a riff she made up  for the audition. It was SO COOL to hear her beautiful, clear singing voice. We are so proud of her courage and her talent. She loves to sing and she has gotten better each year.

My women's relay team got first again this year. I ran my 6 miles at a 7 minute pace and felt great! We are blessed to get to do this annually and still win the race. The kids were there to cheer me on thanks to their dad.  I enjoyed getting to see them on the course cheering for me.

 Bobby got his doe on deer opener. He was proud! He has the best dad who takes him hunting and makes sure he stays focused on his goal.

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