Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Bobby's team went on a winning streak the last 3 tournaments of the year. They won tournaments in Sioux Falls and then in Bismarck. Bobby worked his way back up to lead off batter, which was a highlight of his accomplishments this season. He always had lots of fans with grandma and grandpa there, loudest cheering mom, occasional sister, and dad in the dugout.
Bobby got his first umping gig. He only had one controversial call that he assures me he was correct on (runner vs defensive player in base path rule). He did great and made good money too.
Emmy enjoyed her last year as a camper at the Triangle YMCA camp. She loved it, made lots of new friends, came back confident and full of great stories. She wants badly to be an LIT.

 Biscuit is still loving pup cups. She puts her nose all the way in to get that last lick.

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