Friday, April 10, 2015

Jungle Rumble

Last night Emmy had Jungle Rumble at school which was an event the kindergartners and parents are invited for where we took turns with the three different classes reading books, playing games and eating a snack.  The kids also sang a few songs for us.  One song had a part where each child sang along telling us what favorite animal was looking at them.  Together the class would sing, "Deep in the jungle what do you see?" then each child had a turn singing, "I see a______looking at me" and they would choose what animal was looking at them.  Emmy had the last turn and though her classmates all chose lions, tigers, snakes, etc she decided to fill in the blank with "I see my parents and my best friend looking at me" as she looked over our way.  It is pretty sweet that she sang about Robb and I even though that technically wasn't the directions.  We were very proud of our sweet, smart little person and I know she had a great time showing us around and spending time with us.

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