Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Mommy's day off with kids and basketball time!

I had Monday off and so the kids and I went to Barnes and Noble to claim their free birthday treats.  Bobby picked a vanilla cupcake (he mostly ate the frosting) and Emmy a triple chocolate chunk cookie.  Then later on that night we started basketball practice.  Bobby is with the PreK group and he mostly break danced on the floor and ran around kicking and laying on top of the ball.  I stepped in to help him with the passing/catching drills.  He had no problem claiming a partner, he is very outgoing and even when he did things wrong or didn't follow directions at all  he was laughing and had a big smile on his face.  He did tell me he was going to "dunk the ball so hard and then say BOOYA!" but that in reality didn't happen.  While I coached our Bobby Robb got delegated the job of her team coach along with another dad.  Emmy took basketball a lot more seriously and was frustrated when she couldn't do things exactly right.  I tried to teach her to dribble before I left to help Bobby and was surprised to discover that it is actually very hard to explain basic bball skills.  New found respect and appreciation for my father and all of the many hours he spent teaching me these things!  I told her to not slap at the ball but to use her fingertips....she literally only used the tips of her finger to try to dribble then I said no, no use the pads instead but she didn't know what the pads of her fingers were.  We eventually got on the same page.  Robb is a much more patient coach for this team I think and I will stick to keeping Bobby in line until Emmy is ready for the "spin move."

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