Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Prayer cancelled, Bobby usual

Emmy and I were praying tonight when she started asking for God to get her farther in a computer game.  I told her that prayers to God were supposed to be about important things like her family or health.  She said, "Oh, okay.....prayer cancelled."  Around this same time Robb was putting Bobby to bed and asking him how he got the new scrape on his elbow.  Robb asked if he was rough housing with someone else or if someone else hurt him.   Bobby said "No, it was just me running and falling just like usual."  This is just about how it goes for him with a new scrape or bruise each day.  Yesterday he ran full speed to give me a hug but was being very silly kicking his legs behind him.  His foot hit the base board corner and he cried out in pain.  As I was comforting him he said, "That's what I get for goofing off.....I should have stopped and thinked about that first."

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