Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mom is always complaining that when we are at home I am permanently attached to her legs. I just don't want her to go anywhere without me. When she is at her computer, I usually try to tickle her or I grab her toes and tell her about the piggies (this little piggy went to market.....) Mom says I am her shadow.

Today we met grandma Moldenhauer at the Apple Creek pool (we like to mix up our pool time experiences). This pool wasn't my favorite but I did have fun with mom and grandma. Mom bought me a new life jacket which I do not enjoy as you can tell by my facial expressions here in the photos. I would rather mom just swim around with me. Dad also got my kiddie pool ready which is now under the deck. Mom and I spent some time there today too before the afternoon was over. I will have her take some photos of that later in the week.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Another day, another pool. Today mom and I met Nikki, Avery and Rio Mills at the pool. I had fun waving to the lifeguards and telling them bye bye as we left the pool later. I played in the fountains and splashed in the pool. Mom complained a bit about how I have "no fear" and "no sense of danger when it comes to swimming" but I don't see the problem since I have mom to follow me around everywhere and save me. When the Mills girls had their treats, I looked in our bag until I found what mom had brought for me. It was a great afternoon!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Then mom joined in the fun. I think we need to get a pool at our house now since I love swimming so much.

We got to do some swimming in cousin Andrew's pool. I had a lot of fun with him. Grandma Eckert got in with us. He has lots of fun toys to play with.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I tried really hard to wear mom out since she had to chase me all over the water park. I told her I didn't need her help because I can run, swim and do most everything all be myself. She reminded me that I am just a little baby with limited swimming skills and that this pool water was not for drinking. In my travels around the water park I ran into another little boy who had a puppy on his shirt! Since I love puppies and also saying "woof, woof" I was instantly buddies with this little boy.

Later on Caden and Jen Hatzenbuhler joined us and then Grandma and Mason came! I had so many friends and I was very busy running around the water park.

Today mom took me to Raging Rivers Waterpark. We met Bella, Austin and Bree Bergstrand there. Here is me with Bella and Bella with her mom.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I really liked the song it played, so I got up and showed mom and dad some dance moves I've been working on. I like to swing my arms back and forward, then get low with some crouching moves and then finally bounce up and down while swinging my arms around my body. I'm a very good little dancer. I made mom play her card over and over and over.......

We got her a card that played a fun song!

Tomorrow is mom's birthday but dad and I wanted to give her the present we got her early. I am a strong girl so I carried it in for mom.

Today dad took me to swimming lessons. I am pretty attached to swimming with mom though and so I cried when I saw her taking pictures. I thought she should just get in and join dad and I. Mom says I have attachment issues since I've spent so much time with her this summer. Today she took me to another fun park and then I had the best strawberry ice cream sundae from DQ! Geez, mom what can you expect - quit spoiling me.

Mom got me a new swimsuit for swimming lessons. Dad didn't think I needed another one, but mom convinced him that I need to be stylish!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

This morning mom made dad pancakes for his breakfast in bed. I ate 3 pancakes since I am a growing toddler now. Then I talked dad into reading me some books. I know it is supposed to be Father's day, but I think making me happy really makes dad's day too. Later on, mom promised me that we could go to the park and get some ice cream. That will be fun!

Today is Father's Day! I have the best dad. Mom told me we had to take a picture of me in the shirt mom and dad got me while we were in Florida over spring break. It says "I can't talk yet, but I have attitude." I have to disagree with this statement since I talk like crazy and sing lots of songs. My favorite song right now is "rock a bye baby" which I not only sing but rock the rocking chair to. Last night mom and dad took me over the the Bennings house and I played with Ryder and Christian. They are 2 and 3 and so they were able to show me lots of fun tricks. I laughed so hard I fell over onto the floor a few times. Since they live right down the street, dad keeps telling them to stay clear of our house when I am a teenager.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I am really enjoying swimming lessons. Today grandma came along and took some video and pictures of me showing off in lessons. I got a little distracted and started waving to her when I was supposed to be practicing my swim moves. I also spent some time waving to the lifeguard on duty during lessons. She told mom I was the cutest baby she'd ever seen. Mom kept telling me that the lifeguard had to watch ALL the babies, not just me.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Today was my first day of mom and me swimming lessons! I loved it. I jumped off the edge to mom, blew bubbles, kicked on my back and front, floated, sand songs, played games and splashed a lot. Mom took some pictures of me in my swim cover up getting ready to go, then some of me right before we went into the water. You can see I am pretty excited to get in that water. Then I showed mom my muscles which is one of my favorite tricks. I grunt, grit my teeth, tense my arm muscles, make fists as hard as I can to show off my muscles. At the end of swimming lessons today, mom bundled me up in towels and we went home to eat lunch and take a nap. I have been a very picky eater but I love blueberries, strawberries, yogurt and cheese! The rest of the food mom tried I spit out. I can be pretty stubborn. I usually follow up the spitting of the food by saying "oh no" or "uh oh." Another thing I say after I do something I know mom won't like is "thank you." Mom told me that this is not how thank you works, but I think it's pretty funny. I also love to sing songs lately like "rock a baby" (rock a bye baby), abc song and twinkle twinkle. Mom says I am one smart baby!

We went to visit Mark, Kristen and Olivia Bratton while we were in Fargo. Kristen has been mom's friend since 7th grade and they ran track together in high school and were in each other's weddings. They have been good friends for a long time and so mom was excited to visit. I was excited to get to play with Olivia who is 5 months. At 14 months I was eager to show them my new tricks like telling them what all the farm animals say. I also showed them what needed baby proofing for when Olivia can crawl and walk like I do.

I wanted to try going up and down their stairs which I felt I was really good at, but mom kept telling me it was unsafe for me to do it without holding her hand. I also enjoyed handing baby Olivia's toys to her. I wanted to make sure she could see that she has a lot to choose from. I remembered when I used to have some of these same toys. Now I am a big girl and have different favorite toys and lots of books.