Sunday, June 6, 2010

Today mom and I went to meet cousin Mason and Aunt Stacy at the amusement park. Dad had to stay home and work on the yard while we went and had some fun. I had a great time. I was a little nervous about the ferris wheel and mom was too I think because she made the man stop and let us off after 2 turns around. I tried out the train and the carousel. I also went down the big slide with mom. The most fun I had though was playing in the dirt. Mom said that she had dressed me too nice to play in the dirt but she still allowed it. I think dad should build me a sandbox once he finishes with the yard. I will have to let him know of my latest request later since he looked pretty exhausted from the yardwork today. Yesterday I got to visit Great Grandma Moldenhauer and today I went to see Great Grandma Van. Great Grandma M had some fun new toys for me. A truck that I drove around on the ground and made "vroom, vroom" noises for and books! Tomorrow I get to go visit Grandpa and Grandma Eckert and I always have a great time with them. Life is good!!

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