Saturday, December 25, 2010

Lots more presents, fun and relatives

Mason and I opened presents with Greyson and Olivia after dinner. I got more cute outfits, books and a really cool Dora suitcase from Great Grandma Moldenhauer. My other great grandparents and my aunt Lori, Uncle Rick were there too. We should do this more often!

More presents at Grandma and Grandpa Moldenhauer's house

Then today was Christmas! We went to have dinner and more presents at my other grandparent's house. I got more great stuff! My aunt, uncle and Mason got me a kitchen set, grandma and grandpa got me toys and cowboy boots that match Mason's! Grandma got me a new tutu.

I always share

I offered Mickey some of my milk. I always share with mommy and daddy. Sometimes they don't want my snacks or milk but I insist!


Grandma Van got me a dancing, singing, talking Mickey Mouse. I love watching mickey mouse shows on TV and now I get to play with him every day. At first I had to hide in mommy's lap because I wasn't sure about this huge mickey mouse doll, but I sooned warmed up to him and Andrew and I danced all night long. Later on I had a heart to heart talk with mickey and gave him some kisses to know that I really was in love with him again and no longer scared of his big stature.


I got the best presents at Grandma and Grandpa Eckert's house. I got a Yo Gabba Gabba music player. I've been dancing and singing to Gabba songs ever since mom helped me open it. I know all the words to the songs. Then I got two barbie for my doll to ride in and one that dad has to assemble later so I can ride in. I also got a new baby so I can practice for the little brother that is coming in March. Thanks Lovdals and grandparents!!

Xmas Eve with cousin Andrew

I was SO excited to see my cousin Andrew. We both got to wear our jammies that Auntie Amber got for us. I think Andrew is super funny. I laugh and play all the time when we are together.

We got to Xmas Eve service at church

Mom, dad, Grandma M and I all got dressed up to go to Xmas eve service at church. Mom and dad wanted to take some pictures of me, but I was too busy looking at the tree and putting stickers on dad. I played for a while in the room with the toys when church started but then I started asking for mom. I saw angels in church all over! I also sang some Christmas songs that mom has been teaching me. Then it was time for Children's time where we get to go up to the front. I was REALLY excited about this and grabbed mom's hand so we could run up the front and join in the fun. Pastor Rick gave us all candy canes and told us a story. I had so much fun and got lots of admiring glances from the congregation. I was a good girl during the entire service sitting on mom's lap.

family Xmas

Mom and dad let me open gifts from them the day before Christmas Eve. I got lots of great stuff, they know what I like. Mom got a really pretty necklace from dad. I even told her myself how pretty I thought it was. It was a surprise from dad and symbolized me and Bobby since mom thinks we are very important! Mom started crying which confused me and so I got scared and needed lots of hugs to comfort me. I thought mom was upset, but she was just really happy. I only cry when I'm mad or sad so I jumped into mom's lap to give her hugs. Grown up emotions are confusing!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Santa comes with a gift for me!

Santa came and brought gifts for us all. I am still wary of Santa and so I needed mom to protect me. I still accepted the gift from him and then I gave the toy a kiss. Maybe next year Santa and I will be better friends or maybe once I see all the gifts I got from him this year I will not be as scared of him.

opening our classroom presents

Later after the performance we opened gifts for our classroom. I had to be reminded to make room for the other kids to help. I tend to take over and get the present opening job done. I am a take charge kind of woman!

Grandma and Grandpa came to my show!

I got really excited during the performance when I noticed my grandparents had come. When my show was over I ran right past mom and into grandpa's arms! I showed them the bell I used during my performance and gave grandma a kiss. I am really glad they came to watch my first performance!

Jingle bell song!

We also sang the jingle bell song which mommy and I sing on the way to daycare every day. Mom is getting really sick of the Rudolph song, Santa Claus song and jingle bell song which I request EVERY time we get into the car. Now mom can understand why I need to practice these songs every day.

My first Christmas concert performance

Tonight I had my first Christmas concert performance with my daycare. I sat front and center with my group of 1 and 3 year olds but at times I did not face the audience. I did a lot of observing and not as much singing. I looked really cute though mom said. We all sang a lot of songs. I did see mom taking pictures of me and gave her a shout out! "hi mommy!"

I love our Xmas tree

I've been such a good girl and have not opened any presents early (unless Mommy tells me I can). I also have not taken down any ornaments off the tree, though I talk about them all the time.