Monday, February 21, 2011

My best friends

I have to be extra careful now when I take baths not to get water in my ears. I still insist that daddy give me nightly baths, but we don't put water on my head. Instead, I just line up my best friends and play/talk to them while I sit in the bath. I somehow manage to get daddy really wet with all my splashing during the bath time, but my head stays pretty dry. I line up my friends in the living room, bath tub and I line them up next to me before I go to sleep. Sometimes they line up to watch me eat dinner. I always remind mom and dad when one of them is missing and then I complain loudly until they find and bring me my missing friend.

Tubes in my ears

Last week I got tubes in my ears. I have had a lot of ear infections in the past year and so mom and dad decided to get me some tubes so that hopefully I will feel better now. I was a good girl for the whole procedure up until the very end when I came out of anesthesia. This was confusing and frustrating for me and mom and dad had a hard time watching me come out of the medicine. Eventually the nurse thought to ask me if I wanted a sucker which made everything all better. Mom gave me too just to keep me happy. She figured I'd been through enough for one day so if candy made me happy, then candy I got! After we got discharged I spent the day at Grandma and Grandpa Eckert's house where I got spoiled with noodle soup and suckers. I had a good day and recovered very well. I am a happy toddler now again.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I love Disney

Grandma and Grandpa Eckert brought me back these Disney plastic toys and this Minnie jacket. I love Mickey and Minnie so much that the past few nights I insist on sleeping with the Minnie jacket and the Mickey, Donald, Pluto, Goofy and Minnie plastic figurines. I think mom sneaks in while I'm sleeping and removes a few of these friends at night since I end up laying on them. When I wake up though I always find at least 2 of my friends in my crib with me to play with. I let mom and dad sleep in over the weekend because I was pretty content just playing with my friends in my crib. Mom and dad need the rest with Bobby coming in less than a month!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mom and I have so much in common

Today I went to Great Grandma Moldenhauer's. She had a valentine's treat for me. It was a giant marshmallow concoction on a stick. I wanted to eat the entire thing and protested greatly when mom only let me eat 1/4 of it before lunch (she promised me that I could finish it off later.....I forgot to remind her about that promise, come to think of it!) Later on after my nap I came downstairs to visit mom while she was exercising. Since dad was watching me while she was downstairs I had lost my pants and found some red cowboy boots I wanted to wear. Also I had ditched the pigtails mom had put in. So here I was, downstairs with mom when I decided that I wanted to join mom for a run on her treadmill. Mom thought I looked pretty funny and so she had dad take this picture of me.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I love the tent at Grandpa and Grandma's house! We set up a tent at my grandparent's house and Grandpa and I climbed through it and sat it in and had a great time. I laughed a lot!! I think Grandpa had just as much fun as I did.

Fruit and fun in a box

I had some fun playing in a big box over the past weekend. Then I did some "cooking" with my kitchen and some fake fruit. I know the names of all the fruit and I take big bites and then make sure to share with mom and dad. Sometimes I warm up the grapes in my kitchen microwave but my favorite thing to make for mom and dad is oatmeal.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I am a multi-tasker like my mommy!

Today daddy set up my kitchen set that my Aunt Stacy, Uncle Chad bought me for Christmas. It took dad a while to get it together but he loves me so he made it happen. Mom and I had a picnic with some fake fruit and then we played in my kitchen. I told mom that I was "warming up some grapes" in the oven and I stirred a pot full of oatmeal for her on my stove because that is what mommy eats when we have our breakfast together. I also like to multi-task in the kitchen like my mom does. She is often cooking, cleaning, eating and working on her computer in our kitchen. Today I talked on the phone while cooking in my kitchen. Periodically throughout the day I would come put my head on mommy's lap and tell her, "mommy, I want to hold you." which means that I want a hug from my mom. She likes to give those out and so she always complies. Lately I have really been attached to my mom. I like her to give me attention at all times. I think mom is nervous as to how she is going to please both me and a new baby. I think she can do it. I did tell her the other day that "I would like a little brother!" and at night I always remember to say "God bless baby Bobby" but I also ask God to bless Mickey mouse and tell mom that I love everything from bananas to microwaves. Today was a fun day for me because all week I've been pretty sick and before this past week I had an ear infection. It looks like I'll have to get some tubes in my ears but then I should have less ear infections. This past week I had a bad stomach flu. Mommy kept making me my favorite things to eat but I just wasn't interested in eating or sometimes it just came right back up again. Through it all mom and dad kept saying that I was such a good girl because I slept through the night (one night I slept right in my own throw up and didn't even make a peep!) and I was happy during every sick day. One day I had bad gas and diarrhea and so I kept tooting. I would look up at mommy and say, "Mommy, I pooped! Scuse me!" Mom was impressed by my manners but she felt bad for me because I had to say it so often. Later daddy gave me a bath and I had bad gas again. I told him the same thing as I told mom and he said, "No Emmy those are just tooters." I understood what he was saying and so the next time it happened in the bath tub I told him, "just tooters daddy, just tooters!" I guess I'm a pretty funny girl!