Monday, February 21, 2011

Tubes in my ears

Last week I got tubes in my ears. I have had a lot of ear infections in the past year and so mom and dad decided to get me some tubes so that hopefully I will feel better now. I was a good girl for the whole procedure up until the very end when I came out of anesthesia. This was confusing and frustrating for me and mom and dad had a hard time watching me come out of the medicine. Eventually the nurse thought to ask me if I wanted a sucker which made everything all better. Mom gave me too just to keep me happy. She figured I'd been through enough for one day so if candy made me happy, then candy I got! After we got discharged I spent the day at Grandma and Grandpa Eckert's house where I got spoiled with noodle soup and suckers. I had a good day and recovered very well. I am a happy toddler now again.

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