Sunday, February 6, 2011

I am a multi-tasker like my mommy!

Today daddy set up my kitchen set that my Aunt Stacy, Uncle Chad bought me for Christmas. It took dad a while to get it together but he loves me so he made it happen. Mom and I had a picnic with some fake fruit and then we played in my kitchen. I told mom that I was "warming up some grapes" in the oven and I stirred a pot full of oatmeal for her on my stove because that is what mommy eats when we have our breakfast together. I also like to multi-task in the kitchen like my mom does. She is often cooking, cleaning, eating and working on her computer in our kitchen. Today I talked on the phone while cooking in my kitchen. Periodically throughout the day I would come put my head on mommy's lap and tell her, "mommy, I want to hold you." which means that I want a hug from my mom. She likes to give those out and so she always complies. Lately I have really been attached to my mom. I like her to give me attention at all times. I think mom is nervous as to how she is going to please both me and a new baby. I think she can do it. I did tell her the other day that "I would like a little brother!" and at night I always remember to say "God bless baby Bobby" but I also ask God to bless Mickey mouse and tell mom that I love everything from bananas to microwaves. Today was a fun day for me because all week I've been pretty sick and before this past week I had an ear infection. It looks like I'll have to get some tubes in my ears but then I should have less ear infections. This past week I had a bad stomach flu. Mommy kept making me my favorite things to eat but I just wasn't interested in eating or sometimes it just came right back up again. Through it all mom and dad kept saying that I was such a good girl because I slept through the night (one night I slept right in my own throw up and didn't even make a peep!) and I was happy during every sick day. One day I had bad gas and diarrhea and so I kept tooting. I would look up at mommy and say, "Mommy, I pooped! Scuse me!" Mom was impressed by my manners but she felt bad for me because I had to say it so often. Later daddy gave me a bath and I had bad gas again. I told him the same thing as I told mom and he said, "No Emmy those are just tooters." I understood what he was saying and so the next time it happened in the bath tub I told him, "just tooters daddy, just tooters!" I guess I'm a pretty funny girl!

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