Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mom and I have so much in common

Today I went to Great Grandma Moldenhauer's. She had a valentine's treat for me. It was a giant marshmallow concoction on a stick. I wanted to eat the entire thing and protested greatly when mom only let me eat 1/4 of it before lunch (she promised me that I could finish it off later.....I forgot to remind her about that promise, come to think of it!) Later on after my nap I came downstairs to visit mom while she was exercising. Since dad was watching me while she was downstairs I had lost my pants and found some red cowboy boots I wanted to wear. Also I had ditched the pigtails mom had put in. So here I was, downstairs with mom when I decided that I wanted to join mom for a run on her treadmill. Mom thought I looked pretty funny and so she had dad take this picture of me.

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