Sunday, April 24, 2011

Emmy's 2 yr and Bobby's 7 wk old photo shoot

Here I am getting ready for the photo shoot. Grandma M gave me this pretty princess dress (that's what I call it). I danced around in my "tap shoes" and twirled for mommy. Then I posed like a supermodel with my baby brother at the shoot. Bobby was really naughty and cried most of the shoot. Mom and dad said they were exhausted. I got a treat for being such a good girl though. The ladies who took the pictures said I was one "bright little girl" and mom was very proud of me once again. Later on we went to Grandparents Eckert's house and had an Easter Egg hunt and I got a couple Easter baskets. Bobby got some too but since he is just a baby my baskets got most of the candy and goodies. It is fun being the BIG sister since I get to do way more big girl things. Today mommy took just me to the park to play. We had a great time and and I think daddy and Bobby had a good time too.

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