Wednesday, August 17, 2011


This week mom went back to work full time on Thursday. For the last few weeks we have really tried to make the most out of having mom around in the afternoons. Today since it was mom's last day before working all day long she and I had a special girl's time afternoon. We went to the park, made some big huge bubbles for me to pop and then went for some ice cream. I had a great time. I told my mommy, "I really like myself!" Lately I've been really treating mom to some love. I give her lots of hugs and kisses, especially when she comes to wake me up in the morning. She doesn't even have to ask me for them, I just give them to her! I also have been telling my daddy that "I am going to be the boss at Bob Eckert Painting" I think I'd do a great job. Mom asked if I wanted to work at U Mary like she does and I told her that only if I could be the boss there too. I've been keeping a close eye on my brother Bobby while we are at daycare. Today when mommy and I went to get him he was in another room napping. I demanded of the lady who watches him, "Where is my baby brother!" She brought him right away and I was satisfied that they were treating him well.

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