Monday, January 23, 2012

3D Beauty and the Beast movie

Bobby missed out on some fun once again this past weekend since he is still a baby. Mason, mom, dad and I went to Beauty and the Beast 3D (hence the glasses I am modeling in the photo). I loved the movie and laughed out loud (very loud) at the parts I thought were funny. I also yelled out, "Belle, I love you - mom, I LOOOOVE Belle" several times which made some people sitting near us laugh. Mason and I shared some popcorn and were very well behaved throughout the movie. We both got a kick out of the 3D images on screen. The only thing that I was kind of upset about was that mom told me that we couldn't do our regular dancing during the songs in the movie. I still got up and shook my booty a bit during the songs. Bobby stayed home with Grandma and Grandpa Eckert. Bobby is getting very attached to Grandpa Bob and chased after him when he tried to leave our house later on.

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