Monday, January 16, 2012

Mom still knows how to have some fun ;)

This past weekend mom got together with her college girlfriends in Fargo for a night. She told us she really had a great time but of course missed her family back in Bismarck. Mom made a special trip to the mall to get me some fancy glow in the dark and rainbow nail polish. I was SO excited about my presents. Bobby didn't get any since he is too young to notice that mom was gone for a night and doesn't really care that much about presents. Bobby is pretty happy and excited if he is allowed to open the kitchen drawers and take out all mom's tupperware. Dad did an excellent job holding down the fort at home while mom was gone. When mom came home I told her, "Mommy I missed you, I couldn't find you anywhere and I looked all over for you!" She thought that was real cute.

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