Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Big Girl Bed!

Mom and I went shopping yesterday and I picked out a Minnie Mouse Bedding. Tonight will be my first night out of the crib and into my Big Girl Bed! I am not quite old enough to be downstairs in my new bedroom in the basement. Soon though I will head down there and Bob-bob will move back upstairs...........

Gymnastics show off!

I am really a show off at gymnastics...I can do all the skills the teacher instructs us to do! We often practice our pike, tuck and straddle formations. Here I am providing a demo in my other new outfit Grandma Launa bought me. By the way, I am definitely the best dressed at gymnastics class thanks to Grandma!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Poor little Bobster!

Here is a picture mom took of Bobby getting a breathing treatment - this is actually a rare moment where he is not screaming, crying and kicking dad while getting the treatments. I also get breathing treatments now as I have RSV as well. I love the treatments and I ask specifically for them each day and hold the mask on myself.....if only Bobby would make it easier on my parents like I do!

My Aloha girl shirt!

This is the shirt mom and dad brought me back from their trip - I love it! It says Aloha on both sides...hello and goodbye!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bobby does some chores

Now that Bobby is starting to feel better mom and dad put him to work! He really enjoys taking out the garbage. Bobby is always trying to lift and carry heavy objects around the house - most of them twice his size. The bigger the object (chairs, boxes, etc) the more he wants to try to pick it up and haul it around! His favorite chore has to be dragging the garbage down the hallway and into the garage.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mom and Dad are back from Hawaii

Mom and dad are back now. I had a great time with my grandparents and mom and dad had a great time too! Grandpa and Grandma Eckert did a lot of favors for mom and dad while they were gone and also took great care of Bob and of me. They got a lot of laughs from the funny things I said. Mom and I spent a lot of quality time together last Sunday once they were back from their trip and I also got a ton of presents from Hawaii. Mom and I went grocery shopping and I picked out a fire truck cart to ride in. We strolled along and I yelled out to other kids in their truck/carts - "Hey guys, we match!" Then later when we were loading up our paid for groceries a lady came to wheel away my truck/cart. I hollered out to mom (and to all the other patrons who were in the store) "Hey mom, that lady is trying to steal my car - Hey lady that's MY cart!" Mom explained that we were done using it and so I let the lady wheel it away.
Later on mom was flipping through channels and happened to pause on a show where the woman and man were kissing each other. Dad said to her that he thought she should change the channel and I told my parents, "Yeah, I know cuz they are kissing!" Just can't get anything by me! We had a great lunch yesterday and I complimented mom by telling her, "MMMMM, that is tasty mom!" Then mom and I went for a job and then to the park. I entertained mom on her run by singing her favorite song. I call it the "I love mommy song" and it really just repeats the same verse, "I really love my mama, I looooove my mommy, I love her, I really love her!"
Unfortunately even though I had a great weekend, Bobby didn't have the best weekend. He got presents too and I know he really enjoyed our grandparents and his best friend grandpa Bob especially.....but he is pretty sick. He has RSV (which requires breathing treatments) a bloodshot eye, swollen testicle, yeast rash and yesterday was diagnosed with a terrible ear infection. Mom and dad are taking good care of him and giving him his medicine. He seems to be pretty happy despite everything because he is a tough little baby!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Bobby and his sippy cup

Bobby is transitioning out of bottles at almost 1 year old now......he has pretty much got the hang of it but still prefers mom to feed him his night time bottle (she prefers this too as she gets to hold him close for a solid 15 minutes without him wanting to run around, play, jump around). Lucky for mom that I still like hugs and kisses and I let her hold, rock and sing to me every night before bed.

Tickle man and I share some pasta!

Grandpa Kelly (a.k.a. Tickleman) and I shared some pasta too. I thought eating the same noodle was just hilarious! My grandpa Kelly is so silly! We laughed and laughed. Poor grandpa wasn't really allowed to eat his meal once I started having fun - I insisted he share every noodle with me. Then I ordered him, "Grandpa CHASE ME!" We ran around the living room until I wore grandpa out.

Having some Kobe's

Usually dad brings home our Kobe's take out but on this night Grandma and Grandpa came over and fed us! It was a treat. Bobby made a huge mess with his noodles (as you can see).

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bobby gets more chompers!

Bobby has a bunch of teeth coming in again. He has 4 big ones and 6 trying to come up all at once. He is now eating just about anything I eat (but in smaller bits and pieces) and soon won't need it to be cut up at all! Mom started her loooooong list of Bobby and Emmy tips for Grandma and grandpa Eckert. She knows we will be well taken care of but just wants it to go smoothly for them. We've got some birthdays coming up too. I picked out all my decorations with mom last weekend (I am having a Hello Kitty Birthday). Mom also told me that she thinks that once Bobby turns 1 year old she will need to start narrating the blog so that it equally represents both Bobby and me. Bobby is starting to be able to express himself for himself and so it is only fair that mom attempt to speak for us both when she tells our stories. I will still put my mark on the blog entries though!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Disney Show

This past weekend I wore my fancy fur vest grandma Launa got for me to go to the Disney on Ice show with my grandparents and cousin Andrew. Andrew and I laughed and even shared a kiss that we thought was pretty funny. Grandma and Grandpa Eckert missed this kiss but when they asked why we were laughing Andrew told them. It was a great time and I got a special Tinkerbelle doll to bring home and show my parents.

Dance Party!

Mom, Dad, Bobby and I love to have dance parties in the living room. Dad plays, "I like to move it, move it!" We all get down, Bobby likes to bop up and down and raise the roof and sometimes he does some spins. I like to really get wild! Mom and dad mostly laugh.

Going in the potty

Since I am now doing so great at going both ways in the potty I am on a constant sugar high. This is because I never forget that going in the potty means I get a treat. Most of the time the treat is a gummi bear or 2 skittles....but sometimes mom promises me a cupcake! Mom is hoping I forget soon that I get rewards because she feels that my diet has a little too much sugar in it right now

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bobby is moving on up!

Bobby is moving up to the 1 year old room. He spent time there today and will be there full time in the next few weeks. He has become rather attached to Bonnie in the baby room and doesn't like it when she holds other babies or leaves the room. Bonnie told mom and dad that Bobby actually liked it better in the 1 year old room because he didn't have to get jealous of her giving attention to other kids. I invited my Great Grandma Pearl to watch me in gymnastics class this weekend. Also, we plan to go to the Bear family's superbowl party. Daddy has been sharing his computer with me and has downloaded songs and games for me to play. I think I am on the computer more than daddy now - I have him wrapped around my finger mom says!