Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bobby gets more chompers!

Bobby has a bunch of teeth coming in again. He has 4 big ones and 6 trying to come up all at once. He is now eating just about anything I eat (but in smaller bits and pieces) and soon won't need it to be cut up at all! Mom started her loooooong list of Bobby and Emmy tips for Grandma and grandpa Eckert. She knows we will be well taken care of but just wants it to go smoothly for them. We've got some birthdays coming up too. I picked out all my decorations with mom last weekend (I am having a Hello Kitty Birthday). Mom also told me that she thinks that once Bobby turns 1 year old she will need to start narrating the blog so that it equally represents both Bobby and me. Bobby is starting to be able to express himself for himself and so it is only fair that mom attempt to speak for us both when she tells our stories. I will still put my mark on the blog entries though!!

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