Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mom and Dad are back from Hawaii

Mom and dad are back now. I had a great time with my grandparents and mom and dad had a great time too! Grandpa and Grandma Eckert did a lot of favors for mom and dad while they were gone and also took great care of Bob and of me. They got a lot of laughs from the funny things I said. Mom and I spent a lot of quality time together last Sunday once they were back from their trip and I also got a ton of presents from Hawaii. Mom and I went grocery shopping and I picked out a fire truck cart to ride in. We strolled along and I yelled out to other kids in their truck/carts - "Hey guys, we match!" Then later when we were loading up our paid for groceries a lady came to wheel away my truck/cart. I hollered out to mom (and to all the other patrons who were in the store) "Hey mom, that lady is trying to steal my car - Hey lady that's MY cart!" Mom explained that we were done using it and so I let the lady wheel it away.
Later on mom was flipping through channels and happened to pause on a show where the woman and man were kissing each other. Dad said to her that he thought she should change the channel and I told my parents, "Yeah, I know cuz they are kissing!" Just can't get anything by me! We had a great lunch yesterday and I complimented mom by telling her, "MMMMM, that is tasty mom!" Then mom and I went for a job and then to the park. I entertained mom on her run by singing her favorite song. I call it the "I love mommy song" and it really just repeats the same verse, "I really love my mama, I looooove my mommy, I love her, I really love her!"
Unfortunately even though I had a great weekend, Bobby didn't have the best weekend. He got presents too and I know he really enjoyed our grandparents and his best friend grandpa Bob especially.....but he is pretty sick. He has RSV (which requires breathing treatments) a bloodshot eye, swollen testicle, yeast rash and yesterday was diagnosed with a terrible ear infection. Mom and dad are taking good care of him and giving him his medicine. He seems to be pretty happy despite everything because he is a tough little baby!

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