Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Emmy has been making me laugh on an hourly basis lately.  She tells me the funniest things.  She requested I take this photo of her hugging her bear the other day.  She started gymnastics class and is not is the class where parents don't come out and help.  I was so proud to watch her make new friends (she goes directly up to other little kids and asked them their names and tells the kids her name).  She looked over at me a few times and smiled and I did once have to go over to her and remind her to listen closely to her teacher.  All in all though she was so well behaved and remembered so many skills she was taught before.  It was a milestone to see her be so independent and I am almost going to cry just writing about it!  She told me the other day when I was driving her to her hair cut..."Mommy, you are SO AWESOME......because you gave me this great snack to eat in the car."  Oh, thanks Emmy....I think?

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