Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Emerson's performances!

Our little Emmy is quite the performer.  Here she is performing some of her favorite Christmas songs as well as "Put your records on" which is a song that the Chipettes sing on the Chipmunk movie that she enjoys.  She is a funny and entertaining little girl!

Emmy gets to open a gift

We allowed Emmy to choose and open a Christmas present this weekend since she posed for more pictures than Bobby and was overall a good girl during the shoot.  She picked the biggest one and here was her reaction

What Bobby was doing while Emmy was baking at Andrew's house


Bobby got to have some special fun too while Emmy was at Andrew's baking cookies.  He got to bundle up and head outside for some sledding time with dad.  In the video he is having some fun pretending that his gloves are "roaring" and taking bites our of dad.  This is because his gloves are printed with crocodile teeth and mouths.  I've been trying to get him to agree that he is mommy's boy....but 9 times out of 10 he tells me that he is "Daddy's boy" and I guess I must accept that.

Auntie Amber had Emmy over to make Christmas cookies.  I got the kids chef hats and from the pictures Amber took you can see they enjoyed themselves.  Emmy especially enjoyed the end result which was the cookies (as did I)!

My favorite time of the day

This picture shows my favorite time of the day.  Here we are in our PJs just relaxing.  Emmy and I were snuggling together when Bobby decided that he wanted to come up and join in on our snuggle time.  Then as we were all cuddled up together I looked down to see that Emmy and Bobby were holding hands....melt my heart!!  I told Robb he needed to take a picture because I never want to forget that moment.  It was so precious!  My kids are the greatest blessing and they fill my heart up with so much love.

Family photo time

Oh the fun that is a family photo shoot.  This year - Bobby had poopy pants (and all I had brought was a pink pull up that was in the car) and was melting down and yelling about treats I had promised him....Emmy as I said told me she didn't know how to smile anymore....we definitely gave up after getting the family shot and the shot of the two kids. Robb and I have almost perfected the fake smiles that are required for these type of photo shoots now!  Most of these pictures don't display the fact that Bobby was jumping up and down or leaning back and forth (in constant motion) while we were posing and Emmy was talking through most of the picures as well.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Playing barbies with dad

Robb and Emmy play barbies and I get some good laughs listening to their barbie scenarios.  Usually Emmy directs Robb in what his barbies should say and do and what scene they are enacting.  On this day I overhead that the Barbies were going hot tubbing and later would shake their booties at the club (this idea may have originated with dad).  Bobby jumps in to play every once in a while but mostly I just run around after him and make sure he isn't into trouble.  I have told him that naughty boys when being naughty must give their mom kisses.  So every time he is naughty I ask him, "Bobby, are you being naughty?"  he normally answers "Yeah!" and then comes over the give me a kiss.  I figure this is a good way to get A LOT of extra kisses since he is often pretty naughty ;)

Private dance lessons

This past weekend Emmy was a lucky girl as she ended up being the only little girl in class.  Therefore, she got both teachers undivided attention.  She loved it!  She danced with them and just had a great time.  It was fun to watch her.  Sometimes she would take a quick break to run over and tell me things like..."Mom, the teacher loves pink too!"

Friday, December 7, 2012

Good laughs with Emmy

Tonight during prayers Emmy prayed "God thank you for mommy, my Robbie, my Bobbie and for myself!"  She then later said to God "There is one beautiful mommy there."  I told her that she is funny and she said, "Well mommy you really wanted a funny girl!"  and I suppose she is right, I didn't know what type of a girl I wanted when I asked God for a girl but now I know I wanted a girl exactly like my Emerson Lynn Eckert.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Something to look forward to?

Last night around 12:30 a.m. Emmy woke me up to help her go potty.  As I was helping her pull her p.j.s back up she said to me......"you know mom, when I am five I won't be needing you to do this anymore for me."  I told her I know that is true but until then I don't mind the late night wake-ups.  Bobby woke up at 4:45 this morning and decided all he wanted was his mommy.  I attempted to cuddle him but he wanted to squirm around, touch my face and hair and talk to me.  I actually am not complaining though because I do love some Bobby cuddle time!  I know I may have a future ahead with more sleep but when that happens I probably will miss the fact that my kids need me and want me at all times of the day and night.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The funny things the kids say....

The other night Emmy was sitting in between Robb and I watching TV.  Robb and I both asked her to come sit in our laps and she held up two fingers in the air, one toward each of us and said, "That's enough sugar for you two for tonight!"

Tonight she and I were chatting before bed about what color every family members' hair is.  Emmy told me, "Robbie and Uncle Chad have black hair, Emmy, mommy and Bobby have blonde hair, Grandpa Bob has blonde hair, unsure about Grandpa Kelly and Grandma Candy has blonde hair."  I told her that I thought Grandma Candy's hair was red and Emmy thought about it for a while and then said to me,"Oh..forget it" 

We've been teaching Bobby funny sayings now that he is such a good talker.  Some of my favorites are when he says, "Oh, WOW" and "Whoa dude" or "Hey dude"  We also work on "Awesome"  he is putting together 3 word sentences now and repeating everything we say to him. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Emmy's recital

 Emmy had her big dance recital this past weekend. She wore a new dress to the performance and even posed doing the same pose that she was asked to do when she was taking pictures in her costume last week.  Cousin Mason came to "watch his girlfriend" he said and he also brought Aunt Stacy with him.  Grandpa Bob and Kelly and Grandma Candy and Launa all came too.  Emmy was SO excited that her grandparents all came and even more excited when Grandpa Bob presented her with flowers!  She watched the beginning part of the recital from her Dad's lap, acting out some of the dance while seated.  She sang and clapped VERY enthusiastically for the older girls performing and asked me several times if she could get out in the aisle and do some moves.  She was getting very anxious for her turn.  After intermission I brough her backstage and she performed her dance.  She did really great and attempted to mimic the moves of the teachers guiding them onstage.  She seemed to enjoy dancing but did not have a big smile on her face (she later explained to her dad that she had expected to be able to see all her fans in the audience and when she couldn't she was sad).  The audience looks dark to the dancers onstage under the lights. At the end she did a bow and she told us several times over the past weekend that she loved dancing and performing on stage!

Bobby's 1st Hair cut!

 Last week I took Bobby and Emmy in for hair cuts.  Emmy has had a few hair cuts and immediately asks for the suckers once we get there.  She sat like a good girl through her cut and then got her hair styled into a bun for her big peformance that was later that night.  Bobby watched Emmy get hers cut and ate a blue sucker (hence the blue mouth you see in the pictures).  He and I walked around so he could get a look at the others getting their hair styled and dried.  Then when it was his turn he sat like such a good boy, helped comb his own hair and smiled real proud for the camera.  He was a very good client and looked exceptionally handsome!