Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The funny things the kids say....

The other night Emmy was sitting in between Robb and I watching TV.  Robb and I both asked her to come sit in our laps and she held up two fingers in the air, one toward each of us and said, "That's enough sugar for you two for tonight!"

Tonight she and I were chatting before bed about what color every family members' hair is.  Emmy told me, "Robbie and Uncle Chad have black hair, Emmy, mommy and Bobby have blonde hair, Grandpa Bob has blonde hair, unsure about Grandpa Kelly and Grandma Candy has blonde hair."  I told her that I thought Grandma Candy's hair was red and Emmy thought about it for a while and then said to me,"Oh..forget it" 

We've been teaching Bobby funny sayings now that he is such a good talker.  Some of my favorites are when he says, "Oh, WOW" and "Whoa dude" or "Hey dude"  We also work on "Awesome"  he is putting together 3 word sentences now and repeating everything we say to him. 

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