Monday, December 10, 2012

Playing barbies with dad

Robb and Emmy play barbies and I get some good laughs listening to their barbie scenarios.  Usually Emmy directs Robb in what his barbies should say and do and what scene they are enacting.  On this day I overhead that the Barbies were going hot tubbing and later would shake their booties at the club (this idea may have originated with dad).  Bobby jumps in to play every once in a while but mostly I just run around after him and make sure he isn't into trouble.  I have told him that naughty boys when being naughty must give their mom kisses.  So every time he is naughty I ask him, "Bobby, are you being naughty?"  he normally answers "Yeah!" and then comes over the give me a kiss.  I figure this is a good way to get A LOT of extra kisses since he is often pretty naughty ;)

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