Friday, May 31, 2013

Some dirty kids

We had all the PT faculty over for Heather's going away party last night.  The kids played hard all night long.  Emmy didn't even want to stop to eat.  They played on the swing set and then spent some time shoveling all the sandbox dirt into a wheelbarrow that was on the other side of the yard (why they did this, I don't know).  Later on they wandered over to some mud and "made a potion" which Emmy told me consisted of Connor and her each putting in a worm, some dirt and some mud.  When I came to try to talk her into coming inside I found her looking like this.  I asked her later how she got that mud on her face and she told me Connor threw it at her.  Her shoes were caked with mud and I had to grab her by her leg and arm (the only clean areas I could find) and carry her up the stairs.  Bobby was dirty too but seemed to avoid the mud for the most part.  Everyone had a great time and we were able to get the mud off of them eventually.  Emmy told her dad she enjoyed the "celebration" as she called it and wants to have everyone over soon.  She also told him that one of the boys (Drew) killed a huge bug and "saved her life!"

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Emmy is performing a new "Beauty and the Beast" dance this week.  She had rehearsal (which didn't go real well).  Later I bought her a cape to hide her costume on performance day.  She chose pink and was so excited about this cape.


We took a trip to the zoo this past weekend.  The kids had a great time and both had favorite animals they told me about later on.  Bobby still gets a little wary when feeding the aggressive goats but Emmy has no fear.

Emmy spends time out at the ranch

Our Emmy girl had a great time out at the ranch.  She put on a little magic show for her grandparents and talked Grandpa into playing with her in the closet where her glow stick "magic wand" could be used to full effect.
Emmy was also very proud that she rescued worms from the sidewalk by placing them back in the dirt.  She informed me that many worm lives were saved and that none of the worms "pooped in her hand"  Grandma Launa washed all the muddy clothes before bringig her back home - thankfully!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The kids are so much fun

I have so much fun playing with the kids at night.  Bobby was pretending to lasso me with his blanket last night and when I tried to wrestle him to the ground he told me, "Stop it mommy, you're teasin' me!"  He laughs more than he does anything else I think.  Emmy told me that she didn't get to sit by her friend or get ice cream at school because "She didn't make smart choices at school today"  She is smart enough to know when she misbehaves and so I shouldn't feel bad when she gets the consequences but I still do.  Bobby told me I looked like the blonde swimsuit model in the magazine I was looking at last night....what a sweet boy!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My funny little boy

Last night I made popcorn shrimp for the kids for supper (this is one of Emmy's favorite things to eat).  Robb took a picture of how Bobby likes to eat them....he picks off all the breading and just eats the shrimp inside.  It is so funny to see how different our kids are in their tastes.  Most nights I get Emmy to eat by promising her a dessert if she eats it all. Bobby on the other hand usually has seconds and thirds on whatever meat I'm serving plus will eat yogurt, applesauce and bananas at almost every meal.  Bobby usually eats twice as much as Emmy does.  They are their own little people!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Another race and a trip to the ranch for the kids

Here are some pictures from the Fargo 2013 half marathon.  I ran 1 hour 35 minutes but had to stop twice to tie shoes, got side ache at mile 5 and ran most of the race in humid, rainy, windy conditions.  Although it wasn't a PR it was still a good time and I'm blessed to have God give me the ability to run like this.  Robb cheered me on and supported me once again.  We had a little trip together as I also did site visits while in Fargo.  The kids had a great time with their Eckert grandparents on Thursday night making 'dirt cake.'  Then my parents got them for the rest of the weekend and they had an awesome time at the ranch.  Bobby drove tractor and he has told me several times that he "drove the tractor REAL fast!'  He wore his cowboy hat and boots and was often looking for grandpa. He told grandma he "had to go find grandpa Kelly and help him"  On Sunday once he got home he told me several times that he wanted to 'play ranch' with his plastic farm set.  Emmy stayed busy too while there helping grandma.  She picked me flowers and told me all about a butterfly she saw out there.  We brought them back paint sets and Emmy finally got a jacket with little holes for the thumbs that she has been asking for (since Mommy has them).

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's day

I had a great Mother's day.  My kids made me art projects at school.  Bobby's is his handprint made into flowers and it says that he loves me because "I play toys with him" and Emmy decorated the outside of a little journal for me...but then asked if she could take it back and look at it because she really liked it.  I actually never got my present back after I gave it to her so I'm not sure if it still is my mother's day present.  On Mother's day Robb played softball in the morning and then in the afternoon we took a walk down to my mom's house and ate popsicles out on the deck while we visited outside in the beautiful sunshine.  My mom sent us home with chocolate cake which the kids enjoyed after supper.  Bobby didn't eat all his and so Emmy tried to talk me into letting her eat his piece after he was done.  I told her she could not have his but I'd save her a piece for later (meaning the next day) but about 5 minutes passed and she informed me it was later and she would like that piece!  We also went to the band day parade and so I will post pictures of that experience too.  The kids LOVED it.

Bobby sings my favorite song

Bobby and I always tell each other, "You're my baby bumblebee"  Usually if I tell him that he is my baby he will respond with "Mommy, you are my baby bumblebee"  I think this started because of a song he learned in school and that he sings for us.  We recorded him singing this past weekend.  If you can't tell what he is saying, the lyrics are:
"Won't my mama be so proud of me,
I squish my baby bumblebee
Ouch! it stung me!
I wipe my baby bumblebee
won't my mama be so proud of me
I wipe my baby bumblebee
All clean!"

I'm not sure if those are the official lyrics, but those are the lyrics that Bobby sings for us.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Going to the zoo

A few weekends ago we took our first trip of the year to the zoo.  The kids really enjoy seeing the animals and looked so cute in their sunglasses.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Grandpa Kelly

Grandpa Kelly took the kids to get cowboy boots and hats.  Bobby kept trying on boots that were 5 sizes too big.  Emmy and Grandpa found a purple pair that would light up when you took a step.  Grandpa got Bobby a pony to ride and a cowboy hat.  Bobby kept running around on his pony and saying, "Giddy up, Giddy up...Yee Haw!"  They really enjoyed their time with Grandpa spoiling them.  After this we went for ice cream and Bobby and I shared (with Bobby eating the most).  Then Bobby talked Grandpa gave Bobby the rest of his ice cream too.   Tonight as I cuddled with Bobby on the couch he got really excited when he saw Hulk Hogan on the TV, "Mommy that's my grandpa Kelly!" he told me.