Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's day

I had a great Mother's day.  My kids made me art projects at school.  Bobby's is his handprint made into flowers and it says that he loves me because "I play toys with him" and Emmy decorated the outside of a little journal for me...but then asked if she could take it back and look at it because she really liked it.  I actually never got my present back after I gave it to her so I'm not sure if it still is my mother's day present.  On Mother's day Robb played softball in the morning and then in the afternoon we took a walk down to my mom's house and ate popsicles out on the deck while we visited outside in the beautiful sunshine.  My mom sent us home with chocolate cake which the kids enjoyed after supper.  Bobby didn't eat all his and so Emmy tried to talk me into letting her eat his piece after he was done.  I told her she could not have his but I'd save her a piece for later (meaning the next day) but about 5 minutes passed and she informed me it was later and she would like that piece!  We also went to the band day parade and so I will post pictures of that experience too.  The kids LOVED it.

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