Friday, May 31, 2013

Some dirty kids

We had all the PT faculty over for Heather's going away party last night.  The kids played hard all night long.  Emmy didn't even want to stop to eat.  They played on the swing set and then spent some time shoveling all the sandbox dirt into a wheelbarrow that was on the other side of the yard (why they did this, I don't know).  Later on they wandered over to some mud and "made a potion" which Emmy told me consisted of Connor and her each putting in a worm, some dirt and some mud.  When I came to try to talk her into coming inside I found her looking like this.  I asked her later how she got that mud on her face and she told me Connor threw it at her.  Her shoes were caked with mud and I had to grab her by her leg and arm (the only clean areas I could find) and carry her up the stairs.  Bobby was dirty too but seemed to avoid the mud for the most part.  Everyone had a great time and we were able to get the mud off of them eventually.  Emmy told her dad she enjoyed the "celebration" as she called it and wants to have everyone over soon.  She also told him that one of the boys (Drew) killed a huge bug and "saved her life!"

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