Monday, October 28, 2013

Bobby has some fun being the only child this past weekend

This past week/weekend while Emmy was gone I got to spend some extra time with my favorite little man.  I made him his favorite meals (pancakes, cresent roll hot dogs and tacos) and I let him decide each day what we would do for fun.  Robb came home from hunting late Saturday and this was the day that Bobby decided he wanted to go to Leaping Lizards.  He had a wild time there running around and playing.  He is getting big so fast but is such a nice little person.  At SUnday school he has become everyone's favorite and says hello to all the kids, teachers.  He comes with my class to music for the first 10-15 minutes before he heads into church with dad or goes to the daycare.  He sings and is the only kid that really dances his heart out for the entire time. After the man who leads music finishes his songs and guitar playing with his son who is about 10 years old, Bobby always goes up to give them a hug and tell them "Thanks for the music guys!"  It is about the sweetest thing and I usually don't have to remind him and certainly don't need to convince him that he should thank them.  I'm so proud of how kind and sweet Bobby is.....I hope we can always convince him that this is the best way to be!

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