Tuesday, October 8, 2013

While mom's away

Robb sent me pictures periodically while I was in Portland for the ELC conference and doing site visits for work.  I tried not to judge or micro-manage from home as he sent me pictures of the kids wearing pajamas most of the day along with outdoor gear or cowboy boots in the house.  They looked cute, well fed, clean and that's all that matters.  All in all he did an excellent job taking care of them in my absence and they hardly missed me at all I think.  Grandparents helped out a lot both taking the kids overnight for a night to give dad a break.  He somehow managed to get two nights out with friends while I was away and so I think he did a pretty good job of balancing it all!  A big thanks to my family who make it possible for me to be away and not worry about my little Eckerts.  I did think about them often and miss them too much though.

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