Monday, February 10, 2014

Little Eckert love :)

It is true that Bobby and Emmy sometimes fight and don't always like to share but most often they really do get along well and love each other.  They take good care of each other and even enjoy some cuddling on the couch.

On Sunday we went to Sunday school/church where the kids enjoyed some music time.  Bobby enjoys singing and dancing more than all the other kids combined and the music leader Derrick doesn't like to start without him.  Bobby spins in a circle, dances and puts his hands up in the air while singing and gets very exciting when he knows the songs that are song in Sunday school.  Some of the kids are very entertained by him and one of the 2nd grade girls in my class asked if Bobby could just stay with us in our class the entire time because "he is so cute!"  He gives the music leader high fives and always remembers to run over to him and thank him for the music time at the end of the session.  I just love my sweet little kids so much and I am so proud of how nice they are to other kids and how grateful they are to adults who help make Sunday school fun.

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