Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Easter fun

We made our own Easter eggs and the kids really enjoyed getting creative with coloring them.  Of course, Bobby made the most ORANGE colored eggs and Emmy stuck with PINK as these are their favorite colors.

I spent some time hiding all the eggs I could find (stuffed with candy) around our basement and the kids raced around to fill their buckets.  They really enjoyed this and this year Robb and I really didn't have to help them find the eggs as they are getting pretty good at searching in all the hiding spots.

They had a picture day at school and so Emmy had to pick out her own dress and tights.  I tried to steer her towards comfortable leggings and a warmer outfit since she had swimming lessons and would likely be playing outside at school later after pictures were over but I couldn't convince the princess to wear anything other than a fancy outfit.  Bobby was easier to dress and he wore what I asked.  I suggested they pose giving kisses and Emmy told me she would give Bobby one but didn't need one from him (I know this is because she is convinced that he gives "wet kisses" and by kissing him she could avoid a kiss from him).  Unfortunately her plan backfired since Bobby was SO upset he didn't get to give a kiss back to her.  I asked Emmy if she'd be willing to receive a kiss from her brother on the cheek and she complied.  It made for some cute photos of some good looking little kids!

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