Monday, April 21, 2014

Enjoying my time with my favorite people

Today was a great day. Poor Robb was home sick with the flu so the kids and I were busy having fun outside of the house.  We started our day at the gym where Emmy took good care of Bobby when he was feeling shy.  The kids are so good to each other.  If Bobby get a pink candy he is always giving it to Emmy and the other day Emmy was playing dress up and dressed as Elsa and Bobby came over to her, bowed and said, "May I have this dance princess?"  I loved it!  Later in the day we went to visit Grandma Pearl and the kids really had fun at her house.  Then we went to the park where they played together until Bobby informed me he had to go poddy.  There were no toilets at the park and so I found a place by a tree where I could watch Emmy, help Bobby and where the least amount of people could watch us.  I tried to help his little weewee aim away from his clothes but when I directed him to put it up, he peed on his shirt...if I told him to put it back down he peed on his pants.  Needless to say we got as much pee on his clothes as we did on the ground.  It dried though as he played and we ventured on to Orange Leaf frozen yogurt.  There I helped the kids pick their flavors and then handed Bobby and Emmy their dishes and told them to just stand by and I would get myself some and then we would pay.  When I got finished serving myself I turned around and Bobby had found the only table with two pretty highschool girls and had pulled up an empty chair and was seated at their small table with this yogurt....patiently waiting and enjoying the company.  The girls thought he was adorable of course and everyone in the store laughed.  The three of us thoroughly enjoyed our treat and the kids told me several times they had a great day.  We then came home and I made them each their favorites after stopping by to get Dad Gatorade.  The kids were really worried about how daddy was sick so we said a prayer.  I have a conference Wednesday and so I'm hoping all will be healthy soon!

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