Thursday, April 3, 2014

Emmy girl turns FIVE!!

Today is our Emmy's birthday. Robb and I woke her up this morning with the happy birthday song, let her open her presents, dressed her in her favorite princess dress and then sent her off to school with the hot pink frosted, princess ring decorated cupcakes I had picked up yesterday for her.  She was off to a great start for her day.  When I picked her up from school she told me she wanted her birthday dinner to be McDonalds.  When we arrived at home she wanted to wear her new gymnastics leotard with her new fairy wings/hair clip ins.  Then she told me to take a picture of her doing this pose.  Saturday we've invited all her family, friends to Leaping Lizards play park with the inflatables and I'm sure she will have a fantastic time there.  We feel so blessed to have this little lady in our lives, there is truly only ONE Emerson!!

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