Sunday, May 11, 2014

A PR in my favorite race yet!

This year we took the entire family plus one to Fargo.  My mom joined us for the Fargo Marathon and so did the kids.  I did 2 site visits on Friday and then we took the kids to a large indoor gym.  We had big plans on Thursday for the kids to run the kids 1/2 miles but the weather was cold, rainy and so after the expo we decided to let the kids decide and they chose the pool.  The pool was actually two hot tubs since they took out the pool with their renovations but the kids didn't seem to mind at all since they had the entire area to themselves.  Bobby insisted on sleeping with me and it was rough.  He slept sideways, upside down, snored, kicked me, rolled up into my space and then finally I awoke in the morning (if I every slept) to him telling me he had to go poddy.   Actually though he had already peed the bed....on my side.  My mom took the kids the next night and they had a slumber party.  Then I ran a PR.....1 hr 32 minutes and 44 s.  That's about 7:05 each mile and 8th in my division with 3000 women running the race.  My ipod ran out at mile 6 which made things interesting.....I was pretty sure I couldn't run without music.  I did get to hear the people cheering and what they were cheering.  Some thought I was cute, some liked my outfit and many knew my name (I couldn't see how we knew each other since I had a millisecond to look).  My favorite part of the race was seeing my kids, mom, hubby at the end of the race cheering.  It was awesome.  Then there were bounce houses and the kids spent some time there before we headed back to Bismarck.


detailed results

LocationRace TimeTime of DayPace BetweenOverall PlaceDivision PlaceSex PlaceAge Graded PlacePassed / By
10K Split42:558:43:186:55111/51736/57620/330369/517334/33

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