Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Another day with the Eckerts

This afternoon we put our handprints in the wet cement and our initials.  Bobby' hand print was the same size as Emerson's!   Emmy wrote her own name but I wrote Bobby's initials for him.  Emmy accidentally stepped in the wet cement and so I gave both kids a speech about staying out of the cement with their feet.  Then about 10 seconds after that Bobby stomped right into it again to kill an ant he saw.

 Emmy's new favorite snack is ants on a log....with apples instead of celery.  She likes to put her own ants (raisins) in the peanut butter.  Later on we went to the park and the kids played very nice together.  Bobby then told me his butt was bad.....I wasn't sure what that meant until I looked in his pants.  This picture is the last picture we will ever see with him wearing those shorts because I had to throw them away along with his underwear and use every wipe I had in the car to clean his from the middle of his back to his was very gross.  Bobby has been skipping naps and so he fell asleep on the way home.  I just can't get this kids to nap even though he badly needs to rest during the day.  When I woke him at home later he was such a little bear...grouchy!  I hope someday he appreciates all his mommy does for him.

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