Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Summer fun and heading to the fair

 We went to the ND State fair over the weekend.  The kids got painted at a booth where Emmy chose a rainbow on her cheek but Bobby chose an ice cream cone on his arm.  We looked at all kinds of farm animals.  Bobby likes to talk to the animals in a low voice which is very funny.

 Emmy asked me to take some photos of her here and later on the kids picked slushies for a treat.

They both rode in the tea cups but chose separate cups to ride in (Bobby had to ride in the orange cup).  I was nervous that they were riding apart but it went just fine.

 Bobby is shorter than Emmy and so he didn't qualify to ride all of the same rides she went on due to height restrictions.  Robb and I separated so that I could go with Bobby and Emmy could go with him.

There was an obstacle course there that Bobby went on about 30 times....over and over again.  There was running, climbing, sliding and I couldn't believe he wasn't worn out after all the times he went on it.  Then he found a dino ride with a steering wheel that he loved.  Other people came up to me to tell me how cute he was since he was giggling and had a big smile on his face.  He did this ride multiple times as well before he headed back for another 5 times on that obstacle course.  Emmy joined him for some of these reps and she really had fun too. 

 On the way to the hotel we had one tired boy on our hands...fell asleep within 5 minutes of the ride to hotel.  The hotel had a huge water park with three big water slides. At first I had to talk Bobby into going down the slide with me.  Robb went with Gpa Kelly and Uncle Chad to have a drink so it was just Aunt Stacy, Cam, Mason, Gma Launa and I at the water park.  Emmy and Mason had no fear and went down the slides continuously holding hands as they walked up the MANY stairs to the top.  Bobby and I took our first ride and he was hooked.  I ended up getting talked into about 30 more trips.  He kept saying "One more time mommy" and when I would tell him we'd already went one more he would say "two more times mommy"  Over an hour passed and it was way past bed time so I promised him more slides tomorrow.  The next morning after breakfast Robb took him down another 30 times and of course Emmy and Mason couldn't get enough of those slides either.  We then headed to Cassidy's wedding in Velva.  It was extremely windy and off and on rain but we toughed it out and the kids were pretty good during the long day and evening there.  I got some great pictures.  Emmy had the idea of both giving mom a kiss and it turned out to be one of my favorite pictures ever.

 Emmy went with her cousin Kate and Gma Launa to the ranch yesterday and Bobby was really missing his sister.  When I picked him up at school he was crying to his teacher that he wanted his sister.  I talked him into helping me pick out swimming toys since our pool is now finished and promised him a special day.  We went to Orange Leaf and he picked out his favorite flavor then we headed to the park.  He was a good date and I think I took his mind off missing his sister.  He did find her a water canon at the store he thought she had to have though.

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