Sunday, August 3, 2014

More summertime adventures

 I ordered Bobby another cowboy outfit since he had outgrown his.  He likes to dress up too although most of the time Emmy is making him play "frozen" or be a boy fairy.


I took the kids to the Capital street fair this past weekend.  They ate food, shopped around with me, played in the bounce house, popped bubbles that were magically coming out of a machine and Emmy spilt most of her sno cone in the back seat of my car on the way home.  Later that day we went to Gabriel's Bday party and had a great time.  Around 10 at night Bobby threw up all over his blankets, bed and himself.  This happened a few more times before midnight resulting in 5 total baths and me power washing in high temps all of the blankets and pillows we have in the house.  Around that same time my poor boy threw up all over me who was holding and comforting him.  I took bath number 6 with him.  Then he told me "Mommy, I just want to have you" and so he ended up sleeping in my bed which was better for me anyhow since I was running down to check on him continuously.  I got about 3 hours of sleep before he woke up thirsty and we called it morning.  I felt terrible for him and wanted to cry along with him.  This morning it is coming out the other end and I have sanitized non stop in the hopes that Emmy won't get this.  Robb has lucked out and missed it all since he is in Fargo.

This picture of the kids sitting on the brick wall outside of grandma Pearls was taken this week when we delivered a book she wanted and I ordered.  Emmy loves to pose and she thought it would make a great picture.

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