Sunday, August 31, 2014

Fun before school starts

Emmy has been enjoying some last minute fun before school starts after Labor day.  She went to the amusement park with Mason and rode on bumper cards.  She also scaled the rock climbing wall twice.  She went to the ranch with Grandma and caught a grasshopper and frog.  Yesterday she called me over while we were swimming to see "the most amazing creature!"  It was a centipede and when I told her that wasn't a creature I thought all that great she told me that I need to appreciate nature and never kill nature. 

We've been to a couple open houses and have met her new teacher - Mrs. Vollmers.  She is excellent and many people have told me that she is their favorite teacher which makes us feel good.  Emmy is very excited for school to start.  She also said a really sweet prayer last night when she told me that she is most grateful to God for making me her mommy, grateful for all of her family (even Bobby) and her FANTASTIC LIFE.  I don't think there is anything better I could hear.  We are headed out to the ranch and to Almont parade, races then back home to prep for the first day of kindergarten!

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