Friday, October 31, 2014

Bobby and Emmy took this picture earlier this year when I had to get a picture taken of me for the U Mary directory.  They do love each other most days!

Bobby performing his Halloween Pre-K songs

Thursday, October 30, 2014

A busy day!

Today will be a very busy day.  I have a crazy packed work day but will be leaving early to pick up kids and take them to Grandma Pearl's 95th birthday party.  From there Robb and I leave to go to Emerson's first parent teacher conference and after that we have Bobby's Halloween performance.  Tomorrow we plan to trick or treat at the mall (expected temps in 30s with 40 mph winds) and make stops at grandparents houses.  We will be doing this with the cousins which is always fun.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

October fun

Robb helped the kids carve out pumpkins.  Bobby wanted a super hero pumpkin and Emmy wanted a spooky pumpkin.  She made a spooky face to go along with her pumpkin.  The kids were out at the ranch this past Sunday enjoying some beautiful weather.  They love to keep busy out there.

Emmy wakes up with the craziest bed head.  It takes a lot of work to get through that hair!  We've tried all kinds of conditioner and special brushes.  This morning the entire family went to the Parent Open house from 7:30-8:30 at Centennial and had breakfast together.  We enjoyed watching Emmy in her environment and Bobby gets a kick out of seeing her there.  She told us last night that the thing she was most excited about was Bobby getting to come to Centennial with her for the parents' breakfast.  We didn't want to leave him out of the fun so we let him join us. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Hu Hot experience

After Sunday school this past weekend we wanted to try out something new for lunch (we've been going to Arby's per the kids request after church each Sunday).  We took the kids to Hu Hot which is this restaurant where they let you go through a line to choose all the food you want and then grill it up in front of you.  They have a gong that for a tip you can bang on and then all the men grilling shout out, "Hu Hot!"  Bobby was initially thrilled and startled at the same time every time they shouted out.  I took him through the line and he chose carrots, broccoli, noodles, corn while I got my food as well.  I had a lot to carry while also making sure we stayed in line and Bobby didn't run into anyone (he has difficulty staying in one place very long).  At one point he made me laugh because he was standing under my plate which had sauce dripping off and his head got dripped on. "mommy it is raining!" he exclaimed!  I told him he smelled good enough to eat now, just like teriyaki sauce.  He rang the gong and really loved hearing them yell out when we got to the front of the line and ate almost all of his dinner.  Emmy, my little picky eater, chose chicken strips and did not get in on the true Hu Hot experience.  We enjoyed our family lunch.

Some stories from the past few days and Emmy's trip to the dentist

Poor little Emmy had to go to the dentist to get her three cavities fixed.  She was very brave and earned herself a new pair of pajamas as a treat for her bravery.  The worst part was getting her mouth numbed up with all those big needles.  That hurt and I know it hurts because I've had to do it once myself when I got a cavity this past year.  She was very tough and kept her "laughing" gas on as directed.  She joked and talked with the doctor and was doing pretty well until it got near to the time the cavities needed to be filled.  She expressed to us that she was nervous, "I don't know where my mommy is at?" she asked the doctor (I was at her feet since I couldn't get any closer).  Then she told them she was scared about this.  We all reassured her and when it was over she was very happy and told me that it was not so bad.  Her mouth was pretty numb and she drooled a bit on the way home but chose mac and cheese for dinner and ate a big meal.  We are both VERY glad to have that over with.....650$ later.

Last night while Bobby was eating dinner he told me (out of nowhere), "Hey Mommy, you are goooood looking!" It was the sweetest, funniest thing.  He is such a little charmer.  Grandma Launa took him to the ranch so he was very excited this morning.  He wore his boots and hat.  We had to fill out a bunch of questions he answered in preparation for being child of the week next week.  One of the questions was what he wanted to be when he grows up and he answered "a farmer, tractor driver, rancher, cowboy like Grandpa Kelly!"  He loves his grandpa!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Emmy' class trip to the pumpkin patch with daddy as chaperone

Emmy's class trip to the pumpkin patch was today.  Robb offered to chaperone and he was put in charge of Emmy, her friend Olivia and two other boys (that he said were much harder to track).  I had packed Emmy a sack lunch and Robb said that she ate that very fast.  She bought a pumpkin with her dollar, played hard and really enjoyed herself.  Emmy  had a great day because she also got a surprise morning visit from her Grandma Launa.  My mom offered to help out in Emmy's classroom on Wednesday mornings.  She was waiting in Emmy's room when Emmy arrived.  Emmy was very happy to see her and told her teacher and grandma that she had guessed the surprise was grandma but her mommy told her no.  That isn't entirely true though it is very close.  On the way to school today Emmy was guessing what the special surprise waiting for her in the classroom would be.  Her first two guess were way off and so I didn't think our game could ruin the surprise.  She guess that the surprise was daisies, a statue of her and her friends and then the third guess was that it would be her grandparents.  I told her no because technically not ALL her grandparents were there.  Then I told her we'd better discontinue this game so as to keep the surprise special.  While Emmy was waiting for me to finish getting ready she made a picture of the ranch and then on her own spelled out "A BRN" by the barn.  She came to show me and I helped her add the A to barn.  She then put it in her backpack so she could give it to Mrs. Vollmers.  She was very proud of her spelling.  Grandma Launa told me she listens well and is the smartest in her class......I'm sure that is an unbiased opinion!