Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Some stories from the past few days and Emmy's trip to the dentist

Poor little Emmy had to go to the dentist to get her three cavities fixed.  She was very brave and earned herself a new pair of pajamas as a treat for her bravery.  The worst part was getting her mouth numbed up with all those big needles.  That hurt and I know it hurts because I've had to do it once myself when I got a cavity this past year.  She was very tough and kept her "laughing" gas on as directed.  She joked and talked with the doctor and was doing pretty well until it got near to the time the cavities needed to be filled.  She expressed to us that she was nervous, "I don't know where my mommy is at?" she asked the doctor (I was at her feet since I couldn't get any closer).  Then she told them she was scared about this.  We all reassured her and when it was over she was very happy and told me that it was not so bad.  Her mouth was pretty numb and she drooled a bit on the way home but chose mac and cheese for dinner and ate a big meal.  We are both VERY glad to have that over with.....650$ later.

Last night while Bobby was eating dinner he told me (out of nowhere), "Hey Mommy, you are goooood looking!" It was the sweetest, funniest thing.  He is such a little charmer.  Grandma Launa took him to the ranch so he was very excited this morning.  He wore his boots and hat.  We had to fill out a bunch of questions he answered in preparation for being child of the week next week.  One of the questions was what he wanted to be when he grows up and he answered "a farmer, tractor driver, rancher, cowboy like Grandpa Kelly!"  He loves his grandpa!

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