Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Hu Hot experience

After Sunday school this past weekend we wanted to try out something new for lunch (we've been going to Arby's per the kids request after church each Sunday).  We took the kids to Hu Hot which is this restaurant where they let you go through a line to choose all the food you want and then grill it up in front of you.  They have a gong that for a tip you can bang on and then all the men grilling shout out, "Hu Hot!"  Bobby was initially thrilled and startled at the same time every time they shouted out.  I took him through the line and he chose carrots, broccoli, noodles, corn while I got my food as well.  I had a lot to carry while also making sure we stayed in line and Bobby didn't run into anyone (he has difficulty staying in one place very long).  At one point he made me laugh because he was standing under my plate which had sauce dripping off and his head got dripped on. "mommy it is raining!" he exclaimed!  I told him he smelled good enough to eat now, just like teriyaki sauce.  He rang the gong and really loved hearing them yell out when we got to the front of the line and ate almost all of his dinner.  Emmy, my little picky eater, chose chicken strips and did not get in on the true Hu Hot experience.  We enjoyed our family lunch.

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