Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mother's day

 This past weekend was Mother's day and the kids made me some great videos  -
These videos were a very special gift and one I will treasure for sure.
My family also picked out a great card for me.  I also ran the Fargo half in 1 hour and 35 minutes.  It was a very cold day and the race was not my favorite but I am blessed to have a body that allows me to participate and run fast.  Grandpa Kelly is back now and he took Bobby for a truck ride.  Bobby fell asleep 10 minutes in but enjoyed it none-the-less.  I took Bobby for frozen yogurt that day as well and that is a treat we both enjoy.  Emmy had a spa day yesterday for me at her Kindergarten.  She REALLY enjoyed painting my nails, doing my make up, eating a treat with me and massaging me.  She took a wash cloth to my face and roughly wiped the make up I had on off first, then applied bright red blush, blue eye shadow (because that's my favorite color) and when she was done I also had about 20 multi colored barrettes in my hair.  My toe nails were each painted a different color.  One of the teacher's aides asked to take pictures using my camera phone because she thought Emmy did the best work there and then the teacher's aide whispered to me "paybacks are a b#@&* right?  We had a great time and Emmy has now offered to always be the one giving me mani/pedis and doing my make up for me. I did get some strange looks as I exited the building.

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