Wednesday, May 27, 2015

New cowboy boots from Grandpa and Grandma Moldenhauer and a Zoo trip

Bobby got to go to the ranch with Grandpa Kelly and he needed some new boots.  After they went for pancakes, Grandpa let him pick out a new pair that fit him.  His sister was at school and was a little envious when she saw the "real snakeskin."  She ended up getting a fever the next day which meant a stay at home day with Grandma Launa.  She was feeling better in the afternoon and somehow she talked Grandma in to a shopping trip where she came home with the SAME EXACT pair of snakeskin boots (in a bigger size).  That was the pair she wanted and grandma aimed to please.  Boots weren't the only thing Bobby came home with that day....grandpa also taught him how to lasso.  Bobby told me that the lasso instruction was his favorite part of the day with grandpa and he has spent a good amount of time lassoing us all.  We have since decided (mostly me) that lassoing is not done INSIDE the house but rather that is an outside game.

Bobby is no longer scared of the aggressive zoo goats.  He and Emmy enjoy all animals especially the goats!

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